DEAR STUDENT Upon registration with your selected school or online platform, you will be allocated a student number and registered on our student database. Your qualification may be verified through this database by your future employer. Please feel free to contact us directly either via email or on text Whatsapp 065 926 6810. Please note due to volume of students we can only deal with text or email, if indeed we do need to communicate more directly with you leave your number in your text and we will call you back. After completion of your course, handing in of your P.O.E, required hours and successful completion of the IECAB examination, you will receive the official IECAB AWARD. We are here to help you every step of the way in your new and exiting journey. We wish you all the very best in your Beauty Career.


IECAB 2023


Our highly qualified Principals and Trainers hold qualifications through various South African & International institutions
Onboard Jobs
offline events
Live The Dream.
Students with LEVEL 2 and or 3 IECAB awards may apply for jobs on cruise liners.
Live Your Life By Your Design Be Outstanding!

Please note our website is in the process of being updated.

DEAR STUDENT Upon registration with your selected school or online platform, you will be allocated a student number and registered on our student database. Your qualification may be verified through this database by your future employer. Please feel free to contact us directly either via email or on text Whatsapp 065 926 6810. Please note due to volume of students we can only deal with text or email, if indeed we do need to communicate more directly with you leave your number in your text and we will call you back. After completion of your course, handing in of your P.O.E, required hours and successful completion of the IECAB examination, you will receive the official IECAB AWARD. We are here to help you every step of the way in your new and exiting journey. We wish you all the very best in your Beauty Career.


IECAB 2023
Our highly qualified Principals and Trainers hold qualifications through various South African & International institutions
Live the Dream! Students with LEVEL 2 and or 3 IECAB certificate may apply for jobs on cruise liners.
Live Your Life By Your Design Be Outstanding P B PROFESSIONAL BEAUTY Welcome Aboard  onboard jobs offline events